Last Friday it was back day, a workout that i never used to feel too pumped from, however on the run up to the competition and a shot of my new grenade 50 cal pre workout (which tastes like Big Foots wizz despite it’s effectiveness), I was in the zone.
But my body looked awful, Im not sure if it was stomach bloating but I look extremely soft in my muscle tissue, not a lot of visible definition and being as pale as Casper the friendly ghost anyway I looked in no way good!
It got me down, I mean hey, it would get anyone down but we all have days like this! Maybe from lack of sleep, bad nutrition or negatively reacting to foods in the diet. But the main thing is not to let it get to your head and beat down that positive vibe you get when you look aesthetically on point!
First thing I did when finishing my workout that night was hit the reset button! I looked at all aspects of my prep including training programs, nutrition exercise routines, the lot ! It came Monday and I re-tested my self against my condition the previous week and it was good!
In a week, my body fat had come down 3%, my waist and hips had reduced with all other muscle areas increasing between 0.1 – 0.4 inches which was great!
Never let them negative feeling pull you down team! It’s all about reacting well towards it and not losing focus of that end product.
It’s like in Business … With my gym, if we lost 3 clients in a week, I could go down the route of firing the trainers and cutting my ties which would not solve anything and cause me more stress of getting new eager staff. OR I can talk to the clients who left and turn that into feed back for my trainers to improve! Yes, we lost a client which could be down to not getting the results they want, but it’s turing that into something that well in the end benefit us as a business!
Any negative can be manipulated into creating a positive, it’s just perceiving it the right way !