Arms & Shoulders – Training taking it’s toll

So in this morning with Ash, chasing the pump with an arms and shoulders session!

Really was lacking that spark in this session.

With training being so intense the last 6 weeks and with very little rest, my body was crying out for some recovery.

So usually I train twice this day but I took the afternoon off, and had some recovery using some magnesium flakes in a bath.

Listen to your body people or it will stop functioning at full throttle – Look after your body, and it will look after you!

Here’s the workout, be sure to subscribe to my channel!

Chest & Some crazy workout faces!

Ok so more of a training montage video, but none the less here is the workout…

Very old school with no super sets for a change

1a cable flys 5×20


2a bench press 5×8/8/8/6/6


3a Incline DB Flys 4×10


4a incline DB chest press with slight 45 degree angle on the hands 4×10


5a Chest press machine low grip 4×8


6a Chest press machine high grip 4×8


7a Single arm cable fly’s 3×20 (10 each arm)

Boulder Shoulders in Under an Hour

So I was rushed for time but still no excuse to miss a workout!

Here is my shoulder workout…

At the moment I’m usually sticking to one muscle group whilst I’m putting size on, this allows me to concentrate on one muscle group for longer and also I’m not doing half hearted attempts on training a certain muscle i.e. doing a few poor sets on shoulders after obliterating legs before hand!

1a Military press 5x 10/10/10/6/20


2a Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4×6

2b Plate rear delt row 4×15


3a Reverse delt fly 4×8


4a Alternate arm dumbbell shoulder press 3×20


5a Alternative dumbbell frontal raise 4×20

Breakfast time – Bulk up & Burn Fat

So in this phase of my prep my main aim is to bulk up without gaining fat!

The perfect situation right?

And it’s so easy todo, even for someone like me who is up at 5am Monday – Saturday for work!

Super simple and very effective, take a look at this video…

On the menu:

100g Turkey Mince (2% Fat)

4 whole eggs


75g Porridge oats

250g Almond milk

Cracked Sea Salt

Table spoon of Walden Farms Pancake sauce

1 Tea Spoon of Cinnamon


1x Strong black coffee

Back Pump & In Need of New Trainers

So still using the Grenade pre-workout! And it’s still potent despite the awful bitter taste it comes with.

Honestly, I think Satin himself would pull a face when sipping that drink!

However at the end of the day, this stuff works and I was super pumped for my back training session!

Here it is…

1a Wide pull ups 5×20

2a Wide outside grip lat pull down 4×8

3a Under grip lat pull down 4×8

4a Narrow lat pull down 4×8

5a Dead bent over row 5×6

6a Dumbbell supine grip bench row 4×15

Ever Feel Like Giving Up

Last Friday it was back day, a workout that i never used to feel too pumped from, however on the run up to the competition and a shot of my new grenade 50 cal pre workout (which tastes like Big Foots wizz despite it’s effectiveness), I was in the zone.

But my body looked awful, Im not sure if it was stomach bloating but I look extremely soft in my muscle tissue, not a lot of visible definition and being as pale as Casper the friendly ghost anyway I looked in no way good!

It got me down, I mean hey, it would get anyone down but we all have days like this! Maybe from lack of sleep, bad nutrition or negatively reacting to foods in the diet. But the main thing is not to let it get to your head and beat down that positive vibe you get when you look aesthetically on point!

First thing I did when finishing my workout that night was hit the reset button! I looked at all aspects of my prep including training programs, nutrition exercise routines, the lot ! It came Monday and I re-tested my self against my condition the previous week and it was good!

In a week, my body fat had come down 3%, my waist and hips had reduced with all other muscle areas increasing between 0.1 – 0.4 inches which was great!

Never let them negative feeling pull you down team! It’s all about reacting well towards it and not losing focus of that end product.

It’s like in Business  … With my gym, if we lost 3 clients in a week, I could go down the route of firing the trainers and cutting my ties which would not solve anything and cause me more stress of getting new eager staff. OR I can talk to the clients who left and turn that into feed back for my trainers to improve! Yes, we lost a client which could be down to not getting the results they want, but it’s turing that into something that well in the end benefit us as a business!

Any negative can be manipulated into creating a positive, it’s just perceiving it the right way !


Leg Day Special Pre Workout

Leg’s is one of my hardest sessions! Im not one of those people who buzz of leg day…But it needs to be done!

So here is my Leg Day workout and my special pre-workout mix!

Still working on Mass…

1a Leg Press 5×20

2a Back squats 6x 15/12/10/8/6/6

3a Hack Squat 5 x 8

4a Single leg hamstring curl 4×8 (each leg)

5a Calf raises 4×8


Back Day…1st Week Of Prep

So with deciding to compete in October, Training is stepping up a few gears, the nutrition plan is going to be on point and for the first 6 weeks (phase 1) it’s a bulking phase. High calories from carbohydrates, high protein and high fats. I’l put the full macro break down on my next video!


But for now here is my back work out !

1a Lat pull ups 5×20


2a Wide outside grip Lat pull down 5x 10/10/10/8/6


3a Narrow inside grip lat pull down 4×8

3b stiff arm lat pull down 4×20


4a Under grip bent over row 4×10/10/8/6


5a Wide seated row 4×8

5b Dumbbell flys 4×10


6a Bent over row 5×10